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Popular Exterior Painting Mistakes People Make Today

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Exterior painting can enhance your home's authentic appeal and ensure the building is protected from varying weather conditions and other environmental elements that could cause damage. 

However, most people ignore the house's exterior, and those who manage to paint it still don't do the work properly. This usually occurs when one chooses to DIY instead of hiring qualified painters. 

Generally, there are various guidelines you have to consider to have a successful exterior painting project, even if you're working with painting contractors. This post will outline some common blunders you shouldn't make.

Rushing the Wall Cleaning Process

The outdoor walls are always exposed to dust, dirt, animal droppings, and other similar items, so when you apply a fresh coat of paint directly, the results will not be good. So, be sure to prepare surfaces well before you paint. Start by scraping the loose paint chips, and then sand any rough surfaces so the fresh paint can be applied seamlessly. 

You'll also need to clean the surfaces to get rid of the dust, dirt, and debris and even repair dented areas. All open seams should be caulked too. Once the walls are clean, you should apply a layer of primer that's compatible with the paint you intend to use. Also, don't make the mistake of painting on a wet wall since this will lead to early paint failure. When you follow these steps, the results will be amazing.

Using a Low-Quality or Type of Paint

All outdoor walls need to be painted using high-quality exterior paint. You cannot just buy excess interior paint and assume that you'll use it on the exterior walls — your project will be a failure. Instead, it would help if you got high-quality acrylic paint as it offers the best overall performance. This paint will cost you more but offer value. The paint lasts longer and requires fewer coats, so you'll not spend as much money as you might have thought.

Failing to Consider the Weather Conditions

The weather conditions determine if your project will be a success. Experts recommend that you avoid painting whenever it's raining or after it rains. This is because the paint will not dry quickly since the surface is wet. Also, too hot or cold temperatures aren't suitable; the paint will fail sooner than later because it won't adhere properly. For instance, when it's too hot, blisters form as the moisture tries to escape, and the only solution is to redo the project, which will be costly. 
