A New Color for a New Year

Paint Ideas For Small Spaces

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Your small space may seem like an easy place to paint in your home, but it can also be a bit tricky. A smaller space may not take a lot of your time to paint, but the color that you choose can make all of the difference in the world. A small space can feel enclosed if you paint it the wrong color, or it can feel like a very large space if you paint it in a certain way and with the right color scheme. Read More»

Painting An Exterior Porch? What You Should Know

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Painting a porch can add beauty to your home. It can lighten a darkened space and make your porch feel more like an interior space. It can also add value to your home as well. Painting a porch can be a very big job to have to deal with, as there are a number of steps that need to be taken in order for the paint to adhere properly and for the paint to stay on for years to come. Read More»

Painting Tips You Can Use To Paint The Interior Of Your Home

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The interior of your home may look nice, but upon closer inspection, your paint may be faded and need a bit of an update to give it new life and just some new updated style. That old color you painted 10 years ago was probably a lovely color, but maybe not so much these days. You can give your home new life and an easy update just by painting your home. Read More»

Transforming Your Commercial Property: Ideas For Interior Painting

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Commercial property interior painting can be a daunting task, but it is also an opportunity to refresh and revamp your space. A fresh coat of paint can transform a dull and outdated interior into a modern and inviting environment that welcomes customers and helps employees feel engaged and productive.  Following are five suggestions for commercial property interior painting that will help you create a space that reflects your brand and meets your functional needs. Read More»

Three Ceiling Paint Options Other Than White

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There’s a good chance that every room in your home currently has a white ceiling, and you might feel that this look offers some advantages. It never hurts to consider some other options, especially if you want to give a room a different look. Changing the ceiling color can create an entirely different vibe in the room, especially when you choose a color that works well with the colors of your walls, floor, and furniture. Read More»